Learn how to create
vector photo effect out of any image, clipart, graphics. You can obtain
vector ink photo effects in just a few simple steps. I am planning to automate these steps into a
Photoshop action that you can easily use and customize. In the meantime you can use
Photoshop adjustments and filters like
Photocopy and
Threshold to create this
vector effect.

In this tutorial I am going to show you a simple way to create a
image to vector effect using any photo/image/graphics/etc. In the next tutorial I am going to
show you how simple it is to turn
from photo to vector shape in Photoshop. So let's start with this
girl stock image; you
can use any image you want but if you want to create
vector silhouetts the best are the photos with white/black background. Or better still you can use cutout images.

Duplicate this layer and call the layers
Girl 1 Layer and
Girl 2 Layer. You can also keep a copy of the original layer. Go to
Adjustments and use the
Threshold adjustment for the
Girl 1 Layer. Set the level depending on your photo size, details, etc.

Set the foreground color black and the background color white. Go to
Sketch and use the
Photocopy filter for the
Girl 2 Layer.

Set the blend mode of the
Girl 2 Layer to
Multiply and merge the two layers.

Use again the
Threshold adjustment for the new created layer.

For a smooth edge result you can go to
Stylize and choose

This is how you can
convert image to vector effect. You can now use the
Paint Brush, color black to close the gaps and to use
Paint Bucket Tool if you want to add color. I have also added a
vector sunburst using these
brushes to create a vector comics background. A similar technique I have used in one of my oldest tutorials on how to create a
comic book effect in Photoshop