Saturday, March 1, 2014

Mac OS X: Wake Up Servers Using Wake-on-LAN ( WOL ) Command Utility

know how to send WOL command using Linux or FreeBSD wake command. But, how do I send Wake on LAN (WOL) frames to hosts on a local Ethernet network using Apple OS X operating systems to wake up my servers or nas devices?

You need to use wakeonlan Perl script that generates and transmits a Wake-On-LAN (WOL) "Magic Packet", used for restarting machines that have been soft powered-down (ACPI D3-warm state).

Download wakeonlan

Open a terminal and type the following curl command:
$ cd /tmp
$ curl -o out.tag.gz
Untar the tar ball with the help of tar command, enter:
$ tar xvf out.tag.gz
Sample outputs:

x wakeonlan-0.41/
x wakeonlan-0.41/README
x wakeonlan-0.41/Makefile.PL
x wakeonlan-0.41/META.yml
x wakeonlan-0.41/SIGNATURE
x wakeonlan-0.41/Changes
x wakeonlan-0.41/MANIFEST
x wakeonlan-0.41/examples/
x wakeonlan-0.41/examples/lab001.wol
x wakeonlan-0.41/wakeonlan

Install Perl script

Type the following mkdir command:
$ mkdir ~/bin/

Copy /tmp/wakeonlan-0.41/wakeonlan to ~/bin/ directory with the cp command:
$ cp /tmp/wakeonlan-0.41/wakeonlan ~/bin/

How do I send WOL on OS X?

The syntax is:
$ ~/bin/wakeonlan server-mac-address-here

For example, if nas01 server has 00:08:9b:c4:30:30 mac address, enter:
$ ~/bin/wakeonlan 00:08:9b:c4:30:30
Sample outputs:
Sending magic packet to with 00:08:9b:c4:30:30

Other options
    -i ip_address
        set the destination IP address
        default: (the limited broadcast address)
    -p port
        set the destination port
        default: 9 (the discard port)
    -f file
        uses file as a source of hardware addresses

Apple computer wake for network access (WOL) setting

If you want other users to be able to access your Apple OS X based computer’s shared resources, such as shared printers/files/folders or iTunes playlists, even when your computer is in sleep mode. Open System Preferences > choose "Energy Saver preferences". This set options that control your computer’s energy use including WOL for all Mac Based server and client systems:

Make sure you select the option "Wake for network access" so that other users can wake up your computer using WOL magic packet.

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